Just as surely as there are momentum swings in athletic events, there are momentum swings in organizations. We are experiencing a positive momentum swing at River of Life. The wind of the Spirit has filled the sails and is propelling the church forward.
Having just come through a great year, we are off to a strong start in 2014. In January we were blessed by our fourth consecutive Jesus Sensitive Conference. What a powerful event that was! And this past Sunday night we had quite a celebration at our Annual Business Meeting as we reflected on God’s goodness to us in 2013, and then talked about exciting plans for the coming year.
Those plans include several projects to improve and develop our current campus for greater ministry effectiveness. Additionally, in partnership with the ministry of New Horizons, we are launching a new weekly outreach to the Rosemary neighborhood in Bonita Springs. The launch date is Sunday, September 7th. Dean Niforatos from the Jesus Sensitive Conference will be with us that weekend as we kick off this exciting new ministry.
Leadership guru’s say you have to GO with the MO. God is moving. We have momentum. Now let’s go with it. It’s time!
Pastor Todd Weston