I would like to tell you that my initial reaction was that of Christian compassion for the reckless driver who apparently saw me as a target to mow down. I would like to tell you that was my initial reaction! For the next several minutes I had to decide if I was going to stew in anger and let some nit-wit ruin my morning workout, or if I was going to get over it. With God’s help, I made the right choice. I thanked the Lord for protecting me from harm and I chose to get over it.
There are a lot of things in life we just need to get over. For example, we should get over the wrongs done to us by others. Commit those hurts to God who will judge everyone according to their works, and move on. We should get over confessed sin. God promises to forgive confessed sin, so why go on agonizing over it? We should get over the human errors of judgment we’ve made. We’ve all made mistakes. But God is still able to make all things work together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. To live life successfully we must learn to lay some things aside and put them in God’s hands.
But there is something in life we should never get over, and that is our love for Jesus. This was the mistake made by the Ephesian believers in Rev. 2:4. They got over their love for Jesus. Somewhere along the way the new wore off. They knew it, and so did Jesus. In v5 He told them to remember the first love they used to have, repent for falling into such a loveless condition, and go back and repeat the first works in order to get it back.
The best godly counsel I could give anyone is to stay in love with Jesus. That alone is the answer to so many problems we face. If you know the love has started to slip, follow the steps Jesus gave to the Ephesians. Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. Don’t ever get over it!
Pastor Todd Weston