Thirty-one years ago this month, my paternal grandmother went home to be with the Lord. Her name was Lota Swafford Weston. We just called her Mama (pronounced Mam’-ah).
Mama was quite an amazing lady. She raised three sons who were all successful in their different fields of endeavor. The oldest became an outstanding coach. The middle son became a successful businessman. And the youngest, my father, became an accomplished musician and minister of the gospel.
Mama assisted my grandfather in their building business in Springfield, Missouri. She drew the architectural plans for the houses, kept the books, and paid the bills. Together, they built houses all over the south side of Springfield and did amazingly well for themselves.
One of the things I remember about Mama is that she was an incredible cook. Oh my goodness! Her potato soup with cheese and real bacon bits was a favorite. I especially remember her pot roast and ham-n-bean dinners. Don’t forget the cornbread! Her dessert specialties were rhubarb pies with fresh rhubarb from the backyard garden, and pumpkin pies during the holidays.
Exactly when Mama came to faith in Jesus as her personal Lord and Savior I am not sure. With my parents involved in ministry, I spent most church services sitting with Mama. She made sure I learned how to behave in the house of God! When she worshiped, I worshiped. When she prayed, I prayed. When she opened her Bible, I opened mine. When she went forward to kneel at the altar (which happened most Sunday nights), I was right there kneeling alongside her. While I could not always understand her words, I knew her favorite was “Jesus” because she said it over and over.
Like most families, the Weston family went through all the ups-and-downs of life. But through it all we knew that Mama was home on her knees storming the gates of heaven interceding for us. If we ever had a problem, all we had to do was call or go see Mama. We knew she would pray.
Mama has been in heaven for many years now. She passed shortly after Sheri and I were married. I look forward to seeing her again. I look forward to introducing my children and grandchildren to her. Most of all, I look forward to seeing the One she taught me to love and serve as a child.
Be an influencer for Jesus. Set the example of faith. Live in such a way that others can see and follow you through the hills and valleys of life, directly into the home of the Lord.
That’s what Mama did for me. When I see her in heaven, the first word I want to say is thanks!
Pastor Todd Weston