My Dad bought me my first set of clubs when I was seven. I grew up spending time on the course with Dad. It's what we did together. It's what we still do together. I am now fifty and my Dad is seventy-three. Sometimes, when I'm missing Dad I go out to the course and hit some balls on the range or some putts on the practice green. It's not so much the game; it's the memories. It's like they say about fishing - some people fish for a lifetime without realizing it's not really the fish they are after.
It's been very special to spend time with family over the holidays. There's been a lot of fun, a lot of laughter, and a lot of food! There's also the evidence of the passing of the years. None of us are getting any younger. So we must make the most of our opportunities and treasure the moments we have to spend together.
In a few days we fly back to Florida, and the suitcases will be stuffed with the many Christmas gifts we received. But one of the greatest gifts for me cannot be packed in a suitcase. Instead, it's carefully tucked away in the memory book of my mind. It was the gift of a day spent with Dad on the golf the snow.
Pastor Todd