I don’t own a boat, but I know that an anchor is considered standard equipment. To go out without an anchor, especially in deep water, would be a very foolish and even dangerous thing to do. And yet, many people today are going through life without an anchor.
Why do you need an anchor? Because the storms of like are strong. Without an anchor you will be like the disciples in Matthew 14:24. When caught in a storm on the Sea of Galilee they were tossed by the waves because the wind was strong. Life can get rough. A storm can hit suddenly and rock your world. If you don’t have an anchor, you can get tossed around like a beach ball on the waves.
Why do you need an anchor? Because the doctrines of men are deceptive. Very! Ephesians 4:14 describes people being blown about by every wind of doctrine because they are not grounded (anchored) in the truth. Deception isn’t going away. Jesus said it’s only going to get worse the nearer we get to His return. You better have an anchor!
Why do you need an anchor? Because the Bible says the last days are going to be perilous times (2 Timothy 3:1). In other words, things are only going to get harder out there. How are you going to make it without an anchor? You need something to hold you when everything else is flying apart.
Having an anchor will not exempt you from life’s troubles, but it will hold you through it all. So, do you have an anchor?
Pastor Todd Weston