No one in the Bible spoke more of judgment than Jesus (much to the chagrin of liberal theologians). On the other hand, no one spoke more about love than Jesus. How do we reconcile that seeming contradiction? We do so by understanding that one of love’s greatest desires is to protect those it loves from harm. Knowing the terror of a place called hell and understanding the inevitability of judgment, Jesus warned us repeatedly. Now that is true love!
Jesus issued repeated warnings because hell is a place of separation from God, righteousness, joy, peace, beauty, and everything good. Hell is a place of association with the devil and demonic spirits in the location God prepared for them. Hell is a place of isolation. Those who go to hell will not spend eternity partying with their sinner friends. Rather, they will spend eternity in solitary confinement. Imagine it! Forever alone with your regrets and torments.
On top of all that, hell is a place of duration. It’s the eternal duration of suffering beyond compare. Everything about hell is the exact opposite of heaven. If no one has ever seen or heard or imagined the wonderful things God has arranged for those who love Him, the opposite is true as well. No one has ever begun to comprehend how bad hell is going to be.
The sad thing is that there are going to be a lot of “nice” people in hell. I’m talking about people you meet on the street and think, “What a nice guy,” or “What a sweet lady.” How can that be? The Bible tells us how. People go to hell not because of the awfulness of their sin, but because of the absence of their faith in Jesus Christ (John 3:36). Sure, sin will most definitely be punished in hell. But unbelief is what sends a person there.
To reject all that God has done on behalf of humanity through the death of His Son and refuse His gift of salvation is the greatest offense anyone can ever commit. So don’t commit it! Put your faith in Christ and Him alone. That is the only way to be saved from this place called hell.
Pastor Todd Weston