One of the strangest days in the history of the world was the day God confounded the languages. The event is recorded in Genesis 11. This event occurred some years after the great flood. The world was in the process of repopulating itself, and all humanity spoke the same language. What language? Who knows! For all we know, it could have been Swahili.
What we do know is that the residents of earth banded together to build a tower. The attitude behind the tower was humanistic to the core. Furthermore, it was in direct rebellion to the commandment given by God to Adam in Genesis 1:28 and again to Noah in Genesis 9:1. This commandment explicitly instructed humanity to multiply and fill the earth. The act of building the tower was in direct defiance to God’s authority. So God brought the project to an abrupt halt by mixing up the languages.
This really has a comical side to it. I can see two guys working together laying brick on the tower. They’ve been working together for months. The one turns to the other and says as he has done countless times (probably in Swahili), “Hey, hand me another brick.” The other guy looks at him like he’s from another planet and says -
- “No entiendo” (Spanish)
- “Je ne comprends pas” (French)
- “Versetehe it nicht” (German)
- “Rikai dekimasen” (Japanese)
- “Ne ponimayu” (Russian)
Whatever the other language might have been, the guy says, “I don’t understand.” And he didn’t understand because God instantly and supernaturally changed the languages of the people.
Unable to understand each other, the people walked off the job and gathered with those who spoke the same language. They then ended up doing what God told them to do in the first place - multiply and fill the earth. And that was the end of the Tower of Babel.
Rather than evolving over a long period of time, the major languages of earth were created by God in a single day. It was a day that changed the world.
So if God can do something so amazing in one twenty-four hour day, just think what He can do in your life and mine today! Think you have big problems and unsolvable issues? Think again. What you have is a really big God! You have a God who can change the entire world in a single day. So look to Him. This might be the day your world changes!
Pastor Todd Weston