Why did God ask that question? Not because He needed information. God knew exactly where Adam was hiding. As the Hebrew writer reminds us, “All things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account” (Hebrews 4:13). So why did God ask the question? He wanted Adam to answer for himself.
This was the first question addressed to man at the beginning of human history, “Where are you?” You might say that it will be the last question addressed to man at the end of human history. At the final judgment every person will stand before God to give an account. Every person will have to answer the question, “Where are you?” More specifically, “Where are you in relation to Jesus Christ?”
It would be wise to consider that question now. Where are you in relation to Jesus Christ? Are you saved? Are you living in obedience? Are you serving the Lord completely? Do you love God with all your heart and others as yourself? “Where are you?”
Take a few moments today to seriously consider the question. It really is that important.
Pastor Todd Weston