There is a contributing issue to this problem that I believe needs to be addressed. It’s the issue of alcohol. In and of itself, alcohol is a spiritually neutral substance. There is nothing inherently evil with alcohol. The problem lies in the effects of alcohol on the human body and the potential consequences.
In an article found at titled, Alcohol and Your Brain, the writer discusses the effects of alcohol on the Central Nervous System (CNS) which controls motor function, thinking, understanding, reasoning, and emotion. According to the article, alcohol is a direct depressant of the CNS. This is a commonly known fact of medical science. Indicators of alcohol in the blood system include:
• Altered speech
• Hazy thinking
• Slowed reaction time
• Dulled hearing
• Impaired vision
• Weakened muscles
• Foggy memory
This explains why drinking and driving do not mix. But drunk driving isn't the only danger presented by alcohol. As a depressant of the CNS, alcohol also lowers inhibitions. In other words, alcohol leads people to engage in risky behaviors they ordinarily would avoid.
A biblical example of this is found at the end of Genesis 19 in the story of Lot's daughters. In order to get their father to engage in incest with them, Lot's daughters made their father drunk with wine. Under the influence of alcohol, Lot did what he would never have done in his right mind, and he didn't even remember it! Lot wasn't the only one to go beyond the boundaries of his own moral code and do the unthinkable because he has too much to drink.
The dangers of alcohol are many. While some may point out arguments supporting moderate consumption, I believe the Bible presents many more arguments in favor of total abstinence. When you include evidence from medical science, not to mention statistics concerning alcohol's involvement with crime, domestic abuse, injuries and fatalities from driving under the influence, and sexual immorality, I believe it's an open and shut case.
So set the drink aside. Stay full of the Holy Spirit. Hold the standard high. Keep yourself pure.
Pastor Todd Weston