I can remember that day like it was yesterday – July 21, 1984. Brush is a small town located on the eastern plains of Colorado. Calvary Assembly of God was a small but significant church that produced some amazing ministers of the gospel. There is one other special feature about the little church: it had no central air conditioning! While Colorado has very low humidity, I am here to tell you that hot is hot no matter how low the humidity might be.
So there we stood on that sweltering July afternoon before the pastor and my grandfather who performed the ceremony. Sheri was beautiful in her white dress, and I was sweating profusely in my black tuxedo. In spite of the heat we made it through the ceremony and the reception following. We then drove off into the sunset for a glorious week in the Rocky Mountains.
It’s hard to believe that was thirty years ago. But three children later, four ministry assignments, and a lot of life experiences; I guess the years do add up.
It’s good to recognize anniversaries. It’s good to look back and reflect on the things you’ve gone through together, the lessons learned, the hard times endured, and the victories won. It’s also a good time to plan for the future. Sheri and I are praying for at least sixty years together, so we are only half way. And we have determined that as wonderful as the first thirty years have been, the second thirty are going to be more amazing still. The best is yet to come!
Wow! It just occurred to me that on our 60th anniversary I will be eighty-three and Sheri will be eighty-one. Standing arm-in-arm in our golden years will be the same couple that stood together as kids in their early twenties exchanging pledges and vows in a little Colorado church. What we started together we will finish together, “Til death do us part.”
Pastor Todd Weston