“Many of you are not natives of this area. You have come here from other states; even from other countries. Some of you, no doubt, have gone back to your old homes for a visit. I’m sure the old house is not like the picture you have carried in your memory through the years. The neighbors will have changed. The house itself will have changed. And you, the one who helped make that house a home, have changed, too.
We pass from youth to middle age, and from middle age to old age. Is it any wonder that many of us are weary of change? Some changes are exceedingly upsetting. They shake us out of our comfortable ruts. They compel us to think. They compel us to move forward or get out of the line.
What should be our attitude toward change? It is, after all, something with which we all have to reckon. For some, change is not so much a means to an end as an end in itself. They would like to destroy the whole past at the close of each day and start from scratch each morning.
Then there is another group that instead of regarding change as the best of experiences, look upon change as something to be avoided at all costs. Their ideal home, their ideal church, their ideal world, is one that never changes. Their hero is not Abraham venturing into the unknown; rather, it is Rip Van Winkle sleeping his unchanging way through an unchanging world.
The favorite sone of this group is, “The Old Time Religion.” Of course, this song may be sung in a way to have deep meaning. If it is our desire that God be as real to us today as He was to the saints of past generations, then it is a great song to sing. But too often it is a mere mouthing of words. It is bowing before shrines whose fires have long gone out.
We need to learn to accept change as part of God’s plan. Not only should we learn to accept change, but we should learn to use change for good.
How can we make change our friend? We can only do so if we put our trust in the God Who never changes! While we live in a changing world, we must never forget there are certain things that never change.
The points of a compass never change. North is still north, and south is still south. The multiplication table has not changed. Two times two still equals four.
Principles never change. Rules may change, but not principles. Here is one that has remained unchanged throughout the passing of time, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap” (Gal. 6:7). Remember, this principle is true of the good and the bad.
This means that Galatians 6:7 can be a wonderful promise. Decide to live by faith, hope, and love, and you will begin to reap a wonderful harvest. Best of all, the Lord never changes! “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8).
Since we have an unchanging Lord, we can face change unafraid. We can also face change in faith that we can make it our friend. And with the Lord’s help, we can make change to work out for good. To those who love God and are the called according to His purpose, all things really do work together for good!”