- Small crowd
- Exact estimate
- Original copies
- Pretty ugly
- Fully empty
- Act naturally
- Only choice
- Seriously funny
- Clearly misunderstood
- Found missing
Here is another self-contradictory phrase – Cussing Christians.
What has happened to Christianity in America? Why do so many professing believers in Jesus Christ feel the need to insert profanity into their daily vocabulary? I’m talking about Christians who will sing like a saint on Sunday and swear like a sailor on Monday. Why do we stoop so low when according to the Bible we are to be a virtuous people, not a vulgar people?
In the old days kids caught swearing would have their mouths washed out with soap. Yuk! In the Bible God used a hot coal from the altar (Isaiah 6:6-7). Ouch! The idea is that bad speech indicates the need for repentance and cleansing. The use of profanity isn’t just bad manners; it’s sin.
Paul gave this direct command in Ephesians 4:29, “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth.” Along with swearing, that prohibition includes lying, gossiping, slander, and all manner of evil speaking (Ephesians 4:25,31).
Don’t be a living contradiction whose occasional outbursts of profanity run diametrically opposed to previous professions of faith. Instead, adopt the prayer of Psalm 14:19. Pray it. Mean it. Live it. “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer.”
Pastor Todd Weston