In all of my years of Bible reading I have never come across that elusive passage that speaks of the spiritual gift of criticism. Yet it seems many Christians operate in this unique area of gifting. And for many, the target of choice is the Church.
Why some believers choose to spend their time and energy critiquing the Church is beyond me. Jesus didn’t teach us to pray for the Lord of the harvest to send forth critics. He taught us to pray that the Lord would send forth laborers. The Church needs fewer critics and more laborers. While the critics sit on the sidelines practicing their trade, it’s the committed laborers who get the job done.
It is no secret that Satan hates the Church and is opposed to its very existence. In stirring up a chorus of criticism, the enemy seeks to diminish in the minds of believers the importance of the Church. If Satan can succeed there, he can draw disillusioned Christians away from the safety of the flock into a spiritual no-man’s land. As a result, the Church is weakened, it’s effectiveness in ministry is lessened, and churchless believers are made vulnerable.
Avoid Christians who are given to launching verbal assaults on the Bride of Christ! To verbally beat up Christ’s Bride is not a godly thing to do. Associate with believers who understand that in spite of her imperfections, Jesus loves the Church. He really, really loves the Church! Jesus loves the Church so much that He gave Himself for it, lives to build it, and is returning to receive it unto Himself.
Pastor Todd Weston