Another realization occurred to me there in the voting booth. I could not find a single candidate whose positions lined up perfectly with the Bible. I was faced with a choice. I could tear up the ballot in disgust and walk out. Or, I could find the candidate whose stance on issues best aligns with the Bible. I chose the second option and voted accordingly.
Election 2016 is upon us. In just a few days, Americans will be going to the polls to elect the 45th President of the United States. Never in my lifetime has a single election held such potential impact for our nation. Supreme Court Justices. National Security. Religious Liberties. These and many other significant issues are at stake.
Moved by the unprecedented importance of this election, the Peninsular Florida District Council of the Assemblies of God has called all Assemblies of God churches to designate a special time of prayer on Wednesday, November 2nd. In light of that call, we will be setting aside time for prayer prior to RLA CONNECT. Please join us in the sanctuary from 6:45 - 7:00 PM as we pray for the upcoming elections. Let’s not worry about the election. Let’s pray about it!
I know that many believers have been distraught as they consider the potential outcomes of this election. While visiting my Facebook page I came across something posted by a member of our RLA family. It’s a quote from David Wilkerson. While the statement is several years old, the truths stated are very timely. “I refuse to be caught up in the present political rage. I will cast my ballot, not according to my feelings but on the basis of biblical truth. I will vote calmly, without losing my peace or my love for lost humanity.”
Do not go to the ballot box looking for the perfect candidate. Having just voted, I can tell you that person does not exist. Instead, study the positions of the candidates in light of the Bible. Pray. Then go and cast your vote with confidence. And whatever the outcome may be, remember that our main mission is to reach the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:6-7 NIV).
Pastor Todd Weston