While no one really knows who invented the term, the Bible tells us who created the practice. Satan himself is the author of fake news. According to Jesus, “[Satan] has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44 NLT). Satan is the father of fake news and has employed this devious strategy since the beginning of time.
The first fake news ever propagated by Satan was against God Himself (Genesis 3:1-5). Sadly, the fabricated story was believed! Since then the enemy has lied constantly about God’s people. This stands to reason for Satan (adversary) is also known as the devil (accuser).
Revelation 12:10 tells us that Satan is the accuser, and believers are the accused. Satan never accuses his own. His fiery arrows are aimed exclusively at Christians. As for the accusations, they are endless. Satan accused Job of having artificial faith (Job 1:9-11), and Joshua the high priest of being unfit for service (Zechariah 3:1).
Satan not only accuses us before God, but before the world as well. Think of all the fake news the enemy has spread about Christians. According to hell’s press Christians are the most hateful, bigoted people on the planet.
But the accusations don’t stop there. Satan also accuses us to ourselves. He loves to remind us of past failures. He replays the sinful moments. He tells us our faith isn’t real. As the adversary, Satan’s accusations are meant to bring us down because he is against us.
Sometimes Satan’s accusations are entirely false. Sometimes they contain an element of truth. But Satan is incapable of telling the truth as truth. When he makes use of the truth it’s only to add a sense of credibility to his story.
Thankfully, we are not left alone. We have a Defender with a capital “D”! Satan the accuser is defeated by Jesus the Advocate (1 John 2:1). Satanic lies wither under the bright light of God’s truth! And even when there is an element of truth in the accusation, Revelation 12:11 says we overcome by the blood of the Lamb (our covering) and the word of our testimony (our confession).
While we may not be able to stop Satan from spewing fake news, we can overcome it. “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32).
Pastor Todd Weston