One of those things that seems to come in groups is frustration. By the way, the word is spelled with an “R” not an “L.” I am always amused when I hear people complain about being “flustrated.” Sorry, I digress.
Having experienced a covey of frustrations over the last few days, I boarded an airplane early this morning anticipating a relaxing flight with a good book. An hour after boarding, I and all other passengers existed the aircraft because the flight was canceled due to mechanical failure. So here I sit at Southwest Florida Regional Airport when I should be in Dallas.
I guess we shouldn’t be surprised when frustrations arise. We live in a fallen world, so frustrations should be expected along with weeds, mosquitos, and traffic jams. But the thing about frustrations is that they can be so frustrating! I know I just stated the obvious, but its true.
So what do you do when you are met with frustration, or a covey of frustrations? You do what you can do, and give the rest to God. Rest in the promise that as a believer your steps are directed by the Lord. Take comfort in the fact that God filters the experiences that come into your life. Whatever He allows is always for your ultimate good. And by committing everything to the Lord in prayer, frustrations may disrupt your plans but they will not destroy your peace.
Having rebooked a later flight and notified people of my schedule change, I am redeeming the time by using it to my advantage. Frustration loses; I win. “But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumph” (2 Corinthians 2:14).
Pastor Todd Weston