First, we need to know the meaning of grace. Yes, grace is the unmerited favor of God. Ephesians 2:8 says we are saved by grace. But it doesn’t stop there. We not only need grace to get saved; we need grace to live the life of the saved.
Grace is the free empowerment of God for life and service. It’s the thing that provides us with “all things that pertain to life and godliness” (2 Peter 1:3). Everything we need in order to be saved and serve Jesus comes to us by grace.
Back to the phrase, “grace for grace.” The idea here is grace following grace, or grace by degrees. Think of this phrase the next time you go to the beach. Stand there and watch the waves coming in one after another. You will notice that before one wave is gone, another has come. There seems to be an endless supply as wave follows wave.
That’s the way it is with God’s grace. Before the last wave of grace has gone, a new wave has come. And it will never stop because God has an infinite supply of grace!
You will also notice that the waves increase in size as they approach the beach. Likewise, grace may start small but it increases in size depending on the size of the need. The Bible calls it abounding grace.
James 4:6 says, “He gives more grace.” What a comforting and encouraging thought! That no matter what I face in life, God will always give more grace. You will always be able to say, “God’s grace is sufficient for me!”
Think of it like this –
· My failures < GRACE
· My burdens < GRACE
· My challenges < GRACE
· My fears < GRACE
And on and on it goes. God’s grace is always greater than!
No matter what the future holds, God will always provide the grace to get us through. Thank God for His amazing, abounding grace!
Pastor Todd Weston