Actually, the It’s Time initiative isn’t over. We’ve just moved from phase one to phase two. We have now entered the miraculous stage as we begin to act on the commitments made. Now we get to see all the amazing ways God is going to provide.
After making his commitment, one of our members sent me this text, “Surgeon General Warning: Caution! Pledging what you don’t have and have no clue where it will come from might cause restlessness, heart palpitations, panic attacks, headaches, anxiety, muscle cramps, tightness in chest, and insomnia. If you have experienced such symptoms, don’t consult your doctor. These may be signs that you are allowing God to stretch your tent stakes (Isaiah 54:20).”
No doubt there are those still prayerfully considering their response to It’s Time. If you have not yet made a commitment I encourage you to join Sheri and me, along with the others of the RLA family, and as God directs you fill out the commitment card that was sent to you in the mail and hand it in. (If you happened to lose your card others are available at church.)
For those who turned in commitments, congratulations on letting God stretch your tent stakes! I encourage you to start this miracle in process now by bringing your first offering right away. Sheri and I have determined we are going to start our It’s Time giving this Easter Sunday in honor of the Lord’s resurrection. It’s as we step out in faith and begin to take action that the miracle begins.
As you give on your commitment over the next twelve months be sure to identify your gift by marking the giving envelop for IT’s TIME. You can also give online at Just go to the “GIVE” link and click on IT’s TIME.
I thank God for everyone in our church family. I am happy that we are part of the RLA family and are living the miracle together!
Pastor Todd Weston