Here is an another amazing thought. God’s ability to keep is equal to His power to save. The idea in Jude 24 is God’s ability to keep us from suffering a spiritual fall. When a believer stumbles, you can be sure God isn’t to blame. As one preacher stated it, “His grip don’t slip!” God is perfectly able to keep those who want to be kept.
In 2 Timothy 2:12 Paul expanded the thought of God’s keeping ability when he wrote, “For I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day.”
Have you ever committed something to a family member or friend only for them to lose it? That will never happen with the Lord. Think of all the things you have committed to Him; not the least of which is your eternal soul. When you stand before the Lord in eternity, He will say to you as He said to the Father in John 17:12, “Those whom you gave Me I have kept.” Nothing entrusted to His care will be lost.
I have thought back over the years of all the things God has kept our family through. Life can be rough, and full-time ministry can present its own unique set of challenges. And yet God has kept us through it all.
We can all reflect on the things God has kept us through. I believe one of the great revelations of heaven will be all the things God kept us from.
Again, this is an amazing thought when you remember we have a diabolical enemy bent on our destruction. Luke 11:21 refers to this enemy as “a strong man fully armed.” Satan is the strong man who comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). Sadly, he is having his way in the wrecked lives of far too many people. Ruined lives are the calling card of the enemy.
Thankfully, there is hope. In answer to the “strong man” of Luke 11:21 is the “stronger man” of Luke 11:22. The stronger man is Jesus who overcomes Satan, breaks his grip, takes away his armor, and divides his spoils. Though we have a mortal enemy bent on our destruction, we have an even stronger Redeemer whose ability to save and keep is infinitely greater.
We live in a dangerous world, and the presence of Satan is real. With that in mind, consider how foolish and reckless it is to live life without Jesus Christ. He is the only one who is able to keep you through the perils and pitfalls of life. So don’t attempt going it alone. Depend every moment on “Him who is able to keep you.”
This Sunday at RLA --
It’s the most debated book ever written. It’s been banned and burned more than any other book in history. In spite of it all, it’s the best selling book of all time. This is no ordinary book I’m talking about. Divine in origin, extraordinary in endurance, and supernatural in capability, the Bible is unlike any other book in the world. The Bible can save your life. So bring your Bible to RLA this Sunday at 9:30am as we delve more into our series — THE BOOK.
Pastor Todd