The Hebrew word (dabaq) means to cling to, hold fast, follow close behind, be joined to, to catch by pursuit, or to stick to.
Orpah and Ruth are examples of two types of Christians.
· kissers and clingers
· professors and possessors
· hearers and doers
· starters and finishers
Ruth and Orpah both made a profession of sorts. They said to Naomi, “Surely we will return with you to your people” (Ruth 1:10). But when the critical moment of truth arrived, Orpah’s profession failed. She went back on her promise. She kissed her mother-in-law and went back to her old life (Ruth 1:14-15). But Ruth clung to Naomi. She possessed genuine faith that proved itself by works.
Read Ruth 1:14 again and ask yourself –
· Am I a kisser or a clinger?
· Am I a flirt or a faithful follower?
The example of Ruth tells us to lay hold of Jesus and never let go. For that is what Jesus has done for us. He is the Friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Pastor Todd Weston