That’s when they stumbled upon the secluded city of Laish. Lazy Laish. Judges 18:7 says the people of Laish lived carefree lives. With no apprehension of danger, without the slightest thought of enemy attack, the people lived in what proved to be a false sense of security. What you don’t know can hurt you.
The text also indicates that Laish was ill-guarded. “They lived a long way from the Sidonians and had no relationship with anyone else.” Cut off from their Syrian neighbors to the north by Mount Hermon, and from the Sidonians to the West by the Lebanon range, Laish was totally isolated. But since the city was located in a fertile area along springs that fed into the Jordan River, an attitude of self-sufficiency was prevalent among its citizens.
All of that changed in Judges 18:27 when the enemy launched a surprise attack, killing the inhabitants and burning the city. Laish was an easy target because along with the carefree attitudes of the people, verse 28 says, “there was no deliverer, because it was far from Sidon, and they had no ties with anyone.” They cared for nobody and therefore, in their hour of crisis, nobody cared for them.
Satan loves it when Christians isolate themselves and fail to connect with a local church. He is delighted by Christians who have a Laish-like-go-it-alone attitude. The enemy zeroes in with glee on those who lack ties to the Body of Christ. Living far from the fellowship of believers, secure in their isolation, and with no apprehension of pending danger, these disconnected saints become easy pickings.
This self-inflicted defeat is easily avoidable. How? By taking seriously the instruction of Hebrews 10:25, “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some.” Don’t be like some who pride themselves on having no ties with any church. Don’t join the ranks of “the done’s” who profess a relationship with Jesus, but have divorced themselves from His Church.
Run from Laish-minded Christians. Get connected. Get involved. Be faithful. Build relationships. Immerse yourself in the fellowship of God’s people. Hang out with believers who love the Church of Jesus Christ. When the hour of need comes, you will not find yourself isolated and alone. Rather, you will experience the love and support that comes from being actively connected to a strong family of faith.
Pastor Todd Weston