As I looked at Levi’s tiny but perfectly formed features I thought of the words of David, “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14). The next verse in the psalm utilizes the phrase “skillfully wrought” in describing God’s creative activity that takes place within the womb. Human life is not the byproduct of biological chance, but of creative genius.
David’s statement in v16 is notable, “Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them.” That verse alone is a deathblow to the twin evils of evolution and abortion. It states the value God puts on human life, even as embryos. It tells us that God Himself oversees every stage of the developmental process in the womb. Additionally, God’s oversight doesn’t end at birth for He has mapped out our days from beginning to end.
As I hold my new grandson I realize he is literally the handiwork of the Creator. I know Levi is a gift from God full of potential and purpose. I also know that he will be raised in a Christian home surrounded by family and friends who will make godly investments in his life that will yield eternal dividends.
So, welcome to our world Levi Todd Weston. You are a gift from God. In return, may your life be a gift to God as all of your days are lived for His glory.
Pastor Todd Weston