Satan is identified by many titles in the Bible; none of them are good. One such title is Liar. Satan is not only a liar, but he is also the father (originator) of lies. Just as truth is an attribute of God, Satan is a liar by nature. It’s in his DNA.
One time-honored lie involves the subject of freedom. In order to prevent people from coming to Christ, Satan tells them they must surrender their freedom in order to become a Christian. He tells the unsaved that a life lived for God is one of suffocating bondage. This diabolical deception is meant to convince sinners that they are actually free. Buying into the lie, people reject Jesus saying, “I don’t want to give up my freedom.”
The Bible sets the record straight. It’s the Christian who is really free because Jesus is the Great Liberator! Think about it. As a Christian you are free from the burden of sin with its load of guilt. You are free from those ugly traits that marred your character and damaged your relationships. You are no longer on the hook to pay the heavy price tag of wrong living. You are liberated from bondage to things that brought pain and destruction into your life. The great questions of life do not haunt you anymore. You know where you came from, why you are here, and where you are going. Consequently, you are released by the power of God from a thousand tormenting fears. You are free!
The freedom of the unsaved is an imaginary thing. Yes, they are free to live as they like. They are free to defy God’s Laws and live in sin. They are free to ignore God’s Commandments and corrupt themselves. The unsaved are free to live every day of their lives as if God does not exist. They are also free to pile up judgment as high as the heavens. They are free to destroy their lives and condemn their eternal souls. They are free to grow old and die without God. And saddest of all, they are free to enter eternity without Christ and without hope.
The so-called freedom peddled by Satan is a hoax. Worse still, it’s a lie! Counter Satan’s lie by pointing people to Jesus, for He alone has the power to make us free indeed (John 8:36).
Pastor Todd Weston