We all realize there is a marked difference between living and existing. How exciting to see people who are full of life. They face the future with enthusiasm and hope. How sad it is to see people who are still breathing, moving, and going through the motions of life, and yet they stopped living a long time ago.
On the plains of Moab Moses issued a great challenge to the Children of Israel. Behind them was the wilderness. For forty years they had walked in circles waiting for the unbelieving generation to die. Ahead of them was the land God promised to their fathers. It was a land full of dreams and potential. Camped between the wilderness and the Promised Land, Moses issued this challenge, “I have set before you life and death…therefore choose life” (Deut. 30:19).
Maybe you look back today only to see wasted time. Years spent walking in circles. Ahead of you there is yet promise and potential to make a difference. There is yet the opportunity to do something significant for God; to make your mark for the kingdom. The Bible says, choose life!
I don’t care how old you are. When it comes to life, it’s not over until it’s over. And if you are a Christian, when it’s over it still isn’t over! We have eternity in heaven to look forward to!
Concerning life on earth Paul said, “To live is Christ” (Phil. 1:21). If you are still alive on planet earth (if you are reading this article I assume you are!) then God still has something for you to do. Maybe you can’t do some of the things you used to do when you were younger. That’s OK. Do what you can do.
Interesting thing about Everett Ruess. He died at the age of twenty. And yet in those twenty years he accomplished a lifetime of achievements. While he lived, he lived.
Any way you look at it, life is short. So make every moment count. Don’t run the race of life only to slow down and meander across the finish line. Run the race with everything you’ve got, and finish strong.
Pastor Todd