It was a heart-wrenching experience. It was nearly all-consuming. It interfered with my sleep. All I could do was think about it and wonder: Where is it? How did I misplace it? Will I find it?
And then a profound thought occurred to me. It’s the same thought that came to mind earlier in the week after an hourlong search for a missing document in my office (I’m really not in the habit of losing things). The profound thought that was surely sent from the Holy Spirit was this, Why not pray about it?! Why didn’t I think of that? So I prayed. In the case of the missing document, I literally laid my hands on it less than ten seconds after asking for help. In the second case, I found the offending article that managed to lose itself within twelve hours.
By the way, the Holy Spirit is called the Helper for a reason. He helps with what needs help. So don’t hesitate to call upon Him no matter how big or small the need may be.
When it comes to lost things, we normally consider the situation from the perspective of that which is lost. If you’ve ever been lost, you know what an awful experience it can be. But what about the experience of the person who has suffered the loss? On a scale of 1 - 10 my loss was relatively minor, and yet it caused me some anxiety and concern.
Imagine how God the Father must have grieved over a lost human race. Like the Good Shepherd, leaving the ninety-nine safe in the fold in search of the lost sheep, or the woman sweeping the house in search of the lost coin, God went on a search and rescue mission. He turned heaven and earth upside-down in His search for lost humanity. It was a costly pursuit. God bankrupted heaven in order to find that which was lost. And find us He did! “I once was lost, but now am found.”
God’s search for lost people continues to this day. It’s called Missions. In supporting and participating in Missions we are cooperating with God in His all important search. You see, Missions is not just another item on God’s agenda. It is His agenda! Remember that on Faith Promise Sunday (February 28th). Remember and make a strong commitment to Missions so that the lost might be found.
Pastor Todd Weston