Nothing is more tragic than lost love. Just ask the believers in Ephesus. It was the Ephesian Church Jesus was talking to when He said, “You have left your first love” (Rev. 2:4). They were still going through the motions, but the love was gone. Passionless Christianity.
During a recent Sunday evening prayer meeting Nicholas pointed out that when our love for Jesus begins to cool we start looking for loopholes. That’s so true. When we fall out of love for Jesus we begin to make excuses for our lack of passion. We actually become legalistic.
Legalism is when you focus on the letter of the law, not the spirit of the law. Normally, we think of legalism as focusing on the myriad of things you cannot do and still be a Christian. When a person falls out of love with Jesus, they begin to focus on all the things (often questionable things) they can do and still be a Christian. The whole thing is reversed.
Legalism also elevates works. A passionless Christian will do the same. They will focus on the doing part of Christianity rather than the being part which is lacking. Like the Ephesians, they will busy themselves with Christian activities to avoid dealing with the greater issue - a loveless heart.
How about your heart? We are either pressing towards Jesus or drifting away from Him. As Jesus told the Ephesians, lost love must be recovered. If your love for the Lord is beginning to fade, do everything you can to stir it up. Fall in love with Jesus again. Stay in love with Him. It’s the only way your story can have a happy ending.
Pastor Todd Weston