Have you ever struggled with indecision? Can’t decide? It’s standing in a closet full of clothes unable to decide what to wear. It’s standing in front of an open refrigerator undecided on what to eat. Or from my personal experience, it’s standing at the ice cream counter at Royal Scoop holding up the line because you are full of indecision on what flavor to order.
On the one side of the indecision aisle are the people of the northern kingdom of Israel to whom Elijah said, “’How long will you waver between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow Him; but if Baal is God, follow him.’ But the people said nothing” (1 Kings 18:21). Faced with the obvious choice, the people still could not decide between God and Baal.
On the other side of the indecision aisle is Joshua who stated his position in no uncertain terms, “As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD” (Joshua 24:15).
Like Joshua, Daniel was a man who made up his mind to serve the Lord. Taken from his home as a young man and forced to live in a godless society, Daniel resolved not to defile himself (Daniel 1:8). He purposed in his heart that he would serve God regardless of his surroundings or circumstances.
Making the right decision is half the battle. As we rely upon Him, God will then give us the grace to follow through. Don’t waver in the “no man’s land” of indecision. Don’t stand paralyzed at the crossroads of indecision. Be resolute in your Christian commitments and convictions. Drive a stake in the ground and declare once and for all, “Decision made! Conviction held! Position taken! Issue resolved! Argument settled!”
It’s amazing what God can do with a made up mind!
Pastor Todd Weston