Last week we met a friend at Royal Scoop for ice cream. The delightful dilemma facing an ice cream connoisseur at Royal Scoop is that of choosing from their umpteen million flavors. Will it be Royal Fudge Swirl, Orange Pineapple, Chocolate Tri-scrumptious, Southern Pecan Cinnamon Delight, or Mocha Caramel Crunch (just to name a few)?
After numerous samples and several minutes of carefully weighing our options, we all made our orders. Sitting around the table a few minutes later, I observed the various ice cream flavors that had been ordered by our group. Do you want to guess what our friend ordered? Vanilla! Not Vanilla Bean, or Homemade Vanilla, or French Vanilla. Having considered all the options, she went with the flavor she liked best; just plain vanilla.
Life is full of choices, and the options are many. As Christians, we must first choose the right over the wrong. That’s obvious. But it doesn’t end there. In the realm of the right you may still have many options from which to choose. That is where we must carefully and prayerfully choose not just that which is good, but that which is best.
In order to do this we must establish godly priorities. When ordering ice cream I can go with personal preference, but in life I must live by biblical priorities. In the month of August we are going to be talking about priorities. My prayer for the RLA family as we go through this series is that we will prioritize our lives according to biblical values and then live accordingly. It will take commitment, but the end result is blessing. As Jesus said, ”But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33).
Pastor Todd Weston