I am not that ambitious. I have a word for the year. It’s the word RENEW.
The theme of renewal is found throughout the Bible. We serve a God who specializes in renewal. The same God who told Old Testament Israel, “Behold, I will do a new thing” (Isaiah 43:19), promised the New Testament Church, “I make all things new” (Revelation 21:5).
The prayer of David, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me” (Psalm 51:10), was answered by Isaiah, “But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength…” (Isaiah 40:31).
2 Corinthians 5:17 declares that in Christ we are new creations. A chapter earlier, Paul tells us that as new creations we can also experience daily renewal, “Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day” (2 Corinthians 4:16). Constant renewal is the name of the game.
As we stand at the beginning of a New Year, I think it would be wise to consider if there are any areas in our lives that are in need of renewal. You know, disciplines that aren’t functioning properly or at all. Sectors of life that are barely getting by. Zones where we are losing ground.
Maybe you are in need of spiritual renewal. Things have been allowed to drift far too long and you know it’s time to get that realm back in shape. Maybe it’s your health. Do not yield to the prospects of deteriorating health. This is the year to make positive changes in lifestyle and attitude. It’s the year to stand on the promises of God for divine healing!
Maybe your marriage needs a shot in the arm. Don’t just sit there bemoaning the fact the spark is gone. Do something about it and experience renewal. Maybe you are in need of mental and intellectual renewal. It’s a tragic day when a person decides they’ve learned all they need to learn. Never stop growing. Never stop learning. Turn off the television and pick up a good book. Enroll in a class. Don’t just sit there and let your mind go to seed. Experience renewal.
I hope you are catching the spirit of this! Pick up a new hobby. Set some new goals. Form some new friendships. Travel to new places. Reject rigor mortis of the soul that comes from thinking you’ve learned it all and done it all. Determine to live while you live. While no one gets out of this world alive, you can go out fighting strong because of ongoing renewal.
While I am not prepared to give you a word for the day, week, or month, I am ready to offer a word for the year. I encourage you to embrace it because its a Bible word. It’s a God word. Embrace and experience renewal in the coming year. And may God’s promise to make all things new become a reality in your life.
Pastor Todd Weston