The Old Testament emphasizes the person and work of God the Father. The ancient world was devoted to the worship of many gods (polytheism). Through the nation of Israel, God revealed to the world the existence of the one true God (monotheism), and what He required (the Law of Moses). Before Christ’s work could begin, these basic truths had to be established.
And then we come to the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) which emphasize the person and work of God the Son. While the presence and activity of God the Father and God the Holy Spirit are obvious, the focus of the gospel writers is the story of Jesus - His virgin birth, sinless life, sacrificial death, and bodily resurrection.
Beginning in Acts 1 through the remainder of the New Testament, the emphasis moves to the person and work of God the Holy Spirit. Beginning on the Day of Pentecost with the birth of the Church, the work of the Holy Spirit continues to this very day.
It’s interesting that in the Old Testament, God the Father prepared the world for the coming of the Son. Through prophetic words, pictures, symbols, and types, the Old Testament pointed to the coming of Emmanuel - God with us.
It’s also interesting that in the Gospels, especially as Jesus neared the end of His earthly ministry, He prepared His disciples for the coming of the Holy Spirit. The Father sent the Son, and the Son in turn sent the Holy Spirit. The Son spoke of the Father, and the Spirit speaks of the Son.
As the Son clothed Himself with flesh in the Incarnation, so the Spirit has clothed Himself with the Church (corporately and individually) which is the Body of Christ and the Temple of the Holy Spirit. It is through the Church that the Holy Spirit carries out His ministry in the world.
So it comes down to this. The Father spoke of and sent the Son. The Son spoke of and sent the Holy Spirit. At the Rapture of the Church, the Holy Spirit will present a Bride to the Son in the clouds. The Son will in turn present His glorious Bride to the Father in heaven. And through it all, God will be glorified.
Pastor Todd Weston