- Drive a car with out-of-balance tires and you will be in for a bumpy ride.
- Adopt an out-of-balance diet and your body will suffer the consequences.
- Attempt walking a tightrope without balance and you are in for a big fall.
Balance is important in every area of life and requires continuous attention. If we cannot walk without balance, it is certain we cannot live without it. Balance is especially important in the Christian life. There are seven words that stand for key areas of the Christian life which must not be neglected. If they are, the result will be an out-of-balance Christian experience.
1. Bible
Every Christian needs to be in the Word on a daily basis. Strive to be like the man who delights in the Word of God, “And in His law (Word) he meditates day and night” (Psalm 1:2). While we all enjoy being fed the Word by pastors, teachers, and other spiritual leaders, Christian maturity involves the ability to feed yourself.
2. Prayer
I know Christians who are strong in the Word, and yet anemic in prayer. The apostles modeled balance by giving themselves to the Word and prayer (Acts 6:4). Paul said, “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17). There are so many reasons for us to approach God’s throne of grace. Don’t let a day go by without spending quality time in prayer.
3. Worship
In his definition of a Christian, Paul began with this descriptive statement, “For we are the circumcision, who worship God in the Spirit” (Phil. 3:3). A non-worshiping Christian is a wonder to behold. I believe it’s an indication of the neglect of prayer and the Bible. Spend time in God’s presence, fill your heart with His Word, and worship will be the natural response.
4. Spirit
If the New Testament teaches anything about the Holy Spirit, it teaches that the Spirit’s presence and work in our lives is not optional. Nowhere does the Bible even hint that the Baptism in the Holy Spirit is for certain believers. Peter told his audience in Acts 2:39, “For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call.”
5. Fellowship
Genesis 1:27 says we were created in the image of God. That being true, we are designed for fellowship; for we were created in the image of a relational God. Isolated Christianity is a concept foreign to the Bible. We need the strength, love, encouragement, and accountability that comes from fellowship with other believers and being strongly connected to a local church.
6. Ministry
1 Cor. 12:12-31 teaches that every Christian is a member of the Body of Christ and has a ministry to perform. The context of that statement is a letter to a local church. Our ministry is the service we give to our local church. Not only should every Christian be connected to a church family, but every Christian should minister within that body of believers. The church has more than enough consumers. Become a contributor and the church will grow stronger.
7. Mission
The Great Commission — to evangelize the lost and disciple new believers — was given to all Christians (Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:15). While our ministry is to the local church, our mission is to the world. We are called to ministry and mission. Be involved in your local church, and be active in taking the message of Jesus to those outside of the family of God.
Bringing this rather lengthy article to a conclusion, I would encourage you to do a personal assessment of your Christian walk. Is it in or out of balance?
- Are you receiving a steady diet of God’s Word?
- Are you practicing the presence of God daily in prayer?
- Do you participate regularly in worship?
- Are you living in the fullness of the Spirit?
- Have you built strong relationships with other believers?
- Are you actively engaged in ministry in the local church?
- Are you doing your part to fulfill the Great Commission?
Pursue a balanced Christian life. As Paul said, “As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving” (Col. 2:6-7).
Pastor Todd Weston