For 430 years the Children of Israel had lived in terrible bondage in the land of Egypt. Their suffering was so great and had lasted so long they must have thought God had forgotten them. Worse still, maybe He had abandoned them.
Not true. In Exodus 3:7 God referred to the Children of Israel as, “My people.” He didn’t tell Moses, “They are your people.” He said, “They are My people!” He sent Moses to tell Pharaoh, “Let My people go.” God still claimed them. He still loved them. And He was very much aware of their pain and predicament.
God said in v8, “So I have come down to deliver them.” In Isaiah 64:1 the prophet cried, “Oh, that You would rend the heavens! That You would come down!” That’s exactly what God did, and He sent Moses to deliver Israel from the slavery of Egypt. That’s exactly what He did again in the Person of Jesus Christ whom He sent to deliver us from the slavery of sin.
Here’s a news flash: God still sees, hears, and knows. His heart is still moved with compassion. He still comes down to deliver. As the famous Anglican preacher, J. Stuart Holden, once noted, “Heaven with all its holiness is always touching earth with its heartbreak.”
Are you hurting today? Feeling like no one knows or cares? There is One! He sees your pain, hears your cry, and knows your sorrow. But best of all, He is the God Who comes down.
Pastor Todd Weston