It will only be a while
The Lord will bring you out”
In spite of that terrifying thought, the resolve of these young men was unshakeable. In Daniel 3:17-18, the three Hebrew Children (as they are known) informed Nebuchadnezzar that the Lord would do one of two things. He would bring them out, or He would bring them through. Either way, the God they served would deliver them out of the hand of the king.
The story has an amazing ending. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego held true to their convictions and refused to bow. Nebuchadnezzar held true to his threat and threw them into the fiery furnace. God held true to His word, and sending the pre-incarnate Christ to stand in the furnace with the three Hebrew Children, brought them out without so much as the smell of smoke on their clothes (Daniel 3:26-27).
What trial are you facing today? Could it be you are facing a trial of fiery furnace proportions? A trial from which there seems no hope of deliverance? Let not your heart be troubled. In the words of Charles Spurgeon, “We have a great need for Christ and a great Christ for our needs.”
God will do one of two things. He will bring you out, or He will bring you through. Either way you win! So be encouraged and remain faithful. God will deliver you. As Moses told the Children of Israel as they prepared to cross the Red Sea, “For the Egyptians whom you see today,” the trial you are facing, “you shall see again no more forever” (Exodus 14:13).
Pastor Todd Weston